Valuable Membership

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I signed up with Empowered Health with some hesitancy because of the monthly membership fee. Would it be worth it?

After a year with Empowered Health, I can confirm that it is.

The main benefit for me has been receiving individual feedback while interacting with Dr. Schneider. Her direct feedback for improving my health has been invaluable. Dr. Schneider leaves no stone unturned, by ordering extensive bloodwork that may identify signs of future health concerns. She takes the time to create an individual health action plan for her clients. That’s really nice and not typical of other doctors. Dr. Schneider shows concern for and asks questions about your personal life in an effort to identify any underlying contributors to your health problems. She offers suggestions or referrals to other professionals if you have issues that are beyond her expertise.

I have had the opportunity to work with several members of her staff. They are all very knowledgeable and professional.